Thursday, May 31, 2012

Gray roots, not so favorite

Women who are gray and color your hair- don't walk around like a skunk with a white streak down the middle of your head! If you are going to color your hair, make your next appointment when you leave the previous one, so you can avoid that "I don't have time or care about my appearance" look.  If you're not going to maintain it, go all gray.  It is a great look for some women.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My New Favorite Store

I went to White House Black Market yesterday and bought 2 new dresses.  I love this store! The sales people are so nice and so helpful.  They kept bringing me things they thought I'd like.  Most of the things I tried on fit well and looked good, that never happens!  They gave me a coupon to use, and more for the next time I go, which will be soon.  So many great clothes for going out, or going to work.  Their shoe selection is also awesome!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Orbit Sweet Mint Gum- favorite

I love this gum! I always have it with me.  It tastes like the mint in mint chocolate chip ice cream.  It also has the perfect texture, not too soft, not too rubbery. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pocketbook (purse) hanger- favorite


 My daughter told me I'm the only one she knows that calls a purse a pocketbook, whatever....
My hairdresser, Sandy has one of these for her customers to hang their pocketbooks on, instead of putting it on the hairy floor.  Genus! I bought one in JCPenny's in the jewelry section (of all places).  By the way, I love JCP! I use it at my desk at work and when I go for manicures.  They come in all kind of different designs and styles and fold up to fit in what else, your purse!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Adidas Chilwyanda FitFoam Flip Flops

Just got these at Belk's in N.C. They are heavenly! So comfy and cushy on my feet! Will wear with workout gear and for my pedicures!

Pandora bracelets- favorite

My sisters and I all have one. I love Pandora bracelets because different people can buy you charms that are special to them or you. Everyone's bracelet is unique to them. You can also get charms from other less-expensive companies like Brighton and Kay (although the quality is not as good). The cool, modern version of the charm bracelet.

Printed socks and theme ties- not so favorite

PRINTED SOCKS.  Are you five? They don't match anything and you look like a dork when you sit down and everyone can see the pattern on your socks.  Make a statement with some cool, colorful jewelry instead!

THEME TIES.  Right up there with printed socks.  If you aren't an elementary school teacher, don't wear a holiday or theme tie.  They are tacky! Dress like a grown up professional and wear a tasteful tie.  The only thing worse than a theme tie is a bow tie- YUCK!  And do I even have to mention holiday sweaters?

Skins- favorite

I cover all my electronics (laptop, Kindle, iPhone) with decorative skins from They have thousands of choices and you can even customize your own! Its a cool way to personalize your stuff and make it different from the rest of the world.

Guys with ponytails- not so favorite

I don't care if you're 7 or 70, no guy looks good with a ponytail!

The Honda Ridgeline- favorite

My dad got a Honda Ridgeline in 2007. I always knew that if I bought a truck, it would be a Ridgeline. I bought mine in December, 2010. I LOVE MY TRUCK! It isn't too big, it has a variable speed engine (gets 20 mpg hw), the 2nd row folds up, so the dogs hang on the floor, and I can haul any thing I need to.

Family stick figure car decals- not so favorite

While we are on the subject of putting ridiculous things on your car, lets be like every other minivan family in America and put stick figures of your family on the back window. This picture says it all:

Standard poodles- favorite

I always feel like I have to make a disclaimer about my dogs.  My daughter has bad allergies, so I wanted to get a big dog, but one that is hypoallergenic, that doesn't leave a lot of options.  So I got Coal 5 years ago, and Diamond 2 years ago.  They are so smart and sweet and I have grown to love the way they look. The fact that they don't shed is awesome! Now, I can't imagine ever having any other kind of dog! 

Charity bracelets- not so favorite

These things are downright ugly.  They don't match anything and are almost as bad as AWARENESS RIBBONS. I've seen cars with 10 of these stupid ribbons on them.  Why do people have to advertise that they support a charity? Make a donation, participate in a walk, feel good about what you are doing, you don't have to broadcast it.

Well placed, classy tattoos- favorite

Okay, you may think that is an oxymoron, but I respectfully disagree. I have three very pretty tattoos, the picture is the one on my left wrist. I also have one on my right ankle with roses and the name of my three children, and pink roses on the back of my neck. I do think that people should not get tattoos when they are young (teens and twenties) because they very well may regret their choice later. My advice- think about your tattoo for a long time before you get it and don't worry about what anyone else thinks, it is your body and your choice!

Uggs- not so favorite

Ugggggg! Yes, I get it, they are warm and comfy, but so are slippers.  There is nothing fashionable about these.  How they ever got so popular, I'll never know.  They have no shape, no style, and are just plain hideous! Buy some fleece lined boots that actually look like someone put some thought into designing them, they will be just as comfortable and you'll look a whole lot better.

Tide-to-Go pen- favorite

The tide-to-go pen really works! It takes out almost any stain, although it can't really be used on a big stain. I carry one with me always!

Dunkin Donuts Coffee- favorite

My first job at age 16 was in a Dunkin Donuts. I have loved their coffee ever since. Sorry Starbucks, DD is cheaper and better! Since they built one 2 blocks from my house, my life is complete!

Hollywood Fashion Tape- favorite

I've been using this stuff for years. It works really well to hide bra straps and keep a cardigan just where you want it. The little pink tin is really cute! I used to buy it in Bed, Bath, and Beyond, but they don't have it anymore. You can get it at ($8.87, add to a bigger order for free shipping!)

Amazon Kindle- favorite

I've had a Kindle for a year and I love it. It is very light weight, and easy to carry around. The screen looks like the pages in a book, and there is no glare. It is easier to read lying down and while getting a manicure. People say "I like the feel of a book"- get over it and welcome to the 21st century.  It is environmentally friendly, no trees died to make it! Plus I have a cool pink cover with a built-in reading light.